Greenville Health Care is now offering same and next day appointments plus walk-ins for intermediate care, DOT physicals and school or sports physicals. There is a $35 fee for missed or no-show appointments.  Appointments and walk-ins are welcome for all Family Practice Patients.  Call 252-758-4455 option 3 to schedule an appointment.

High Blood Pressure Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

It is not common to have shown side effects of high blood pressure, yet it is the leading contributor to strokes and heart disease worldwide. It’s common sense that smoking, binge drinking, and overeating can contribute to high blood pressure. If none of those apply to you and the symptoms aren’t obvious, it can be hard to look out for. Greenville Health Care offers routine High Blood Pressure care and wants to help you be aware of what to look out for.

Warning Signs

  • Dizziness
  • Severe Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Vomiting/nausea
  • Chest pains
  • Nose bleeds

These symptoms can happen on and off, and nothing may be wrong. If these symptoms persist, it should be something you look in to. Everyone can be at risk for high blood pressure, and some risk factors may have you questioning your doctor at your next visit.


  • 65% of Americans over 60 have high blood pressure
  • High blood pressure can still occur in those under 60 because of being overweight


  • Men: more likely than women to have high blood pressure before age 55
  • Women: more likely than men to have high blood pressure after age 55

Family History

  • Does anyone in your family have/had high blood pressure?
  • Does anyone have a high sensitivity to sodium/salt?


  • High blood pressure is more common in African American individuals

How To Manage Your High Blood Pressure

The best way to deal with high blood pressure is to have knowledge about it. The first step is getting the right diagnosis. It is not something you should self diagnose. The doctors at Greenville Health Care can help you cope and make lifestyle changes to better your condition. Living with high blood pressure isn’t the end of the world. Your doctor can help you find the right medication, figure out your risk factors and lead you to a heart-healthier lifestyle.