Greenville Health Care is now offering same and next day appointments plus walk-ins for intermediate care, DOT physicals and school or sports physicals. There is a $35 fee for missed or no-show appointments.  Appointments and walk-ins are welcome for all Family Practice Patients.  Call 252-758-4455 option 3 to schedule an appointment.

How to Properly Wear a Face Mask

During these uncertain times, it is important to stay safe by taking everyday preventive actions to stay healthy. It is recommended by Greenville Health Care, urgent care Greenville NC, to refer to CDC guidelines for guidance in the proper measures to take.

How to Properly Wear a Face Mask

Many states, cities, and businesses are requiring the use of facial masks in public settings. It is important to wear a face mask correctly in order to protect yourself properly. Here are some tips and tricks on how to do so.

Who Should Not Wear a Face Mask

First and foremost, children under the age of 2 should NOT wear a face mask, as well as anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or unable to remove the mask without assistance. Aside from these restrictions, urgent care Greenville NC recommends all others should wear a face mask.

Types of Masks

The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings instead of surgical masks, as these are critical supplies reserved for healthcare workers and first responders. Cloth or paper masks are recommended by urgent care Greenville NC and proven by the CDC to help slow the spread of COVID-19. 

How to Wear a Face Mask Properly

Before putting a face mask on, urgent care Greenville NC recommends washing your hands. Your mask should cover your nose and be secured under your chin. It should be loose-fitting but still secure enough to stay in place while staying snug around the sides of your face. Make sure you can breathe and talk with your mask on and that it doesn’t irritate you, so you are not tempted to touch it or pull it out of place, which could put you at risk for touching your face or limit its effectiveness.

Taking Your Mask Off Properly

Urgent care Greenville NC recommends removing your face mask when you are home. Remove the mask by handling only the ear loops and fold the outside corners together. Wash your face mask in the washing machine using regular laundry detergent, then finalize with washing your hands thoroughly.

Greenville Health Care

Greenville Health Care is a Family Practice and walk-in Medical Clinic dedicated to serving the citizens of Greenville and surrounding counties with excellent, timely, and compassionate patient care. Contact us today!